Cherry Cola

Cherry Cola 2 parts Winter Cherry Mountain Liqueur Fever-Tree Distiller Cola to taste Ice cubes  Add ice to a glass, pour in 2 parts Winter Cherry Mountain Liqueur, 1 add Fever-Tree Distiller Cola to taste. Stirr as needed. The Red Cranberry Cranberry Mountain...

Mountain Old Fashioned

Mountain Old Fashioned 3 part Bourbon 1 part  Winter Cherry Mountain Liqueur Dashes of Angostura Bitter Orange Ice cubes  Add ice to a glass, pour in 3 parts Bourbon, 1 part Winter Cherry Mountain Liqueur, dashes of Angostura Bitter Orange. Stirr as needed. The Red...

The Ruthie

The Ruthie 1 Part The Applejay Liqueur 1 Part Winter Cherry Mountain Liqueur Sicilian Lemonade Served On the rocks.  Fill a glass with ice, add 1 part The Applejay Liqueur, 1  Winter Cherry Moutnain Liqueur, then top with Sicilian Lemonade to taste. The Red Cranberry...