North American Distilling
JELL-O Shots JELL-O is known today as “America’s Most Famous Dessert.” It was invented by a cparenter named Pearle Bixby and his wife. Both lived in Rochester, New York, in the small town of Leroy, where they run a local cough syrup manufacturing,...
Drinking Gods, Myths & Fairytales
Mbaba Mwana Waresa The Zulu people of Southern Africa worship a goddess called Mbaba Mwana Waresa. The goddesss lives in the rain clouds, in a round hut made of rainbow arches. She is the goddess of the rainbow, rain, harvest, agriculture, and she gave the Zulus the...
Distilling & Drinking History Blog
Drinking is the joy of the Rus Vladimir I. Swjatoslawitsch (960-1015) was Grand Duke of Kyiv from 978/980 to 1015. He is considered the most important prince of Kievan Rus. The Christianization of Kievan Rus’ in 988 is the most important event during...
Distilling & Drinking History Blog
Weißenau Abbey The Premonstratensian monastery in Weissenau was founded in 1145. In its abbey was found the parchment manuscript no. 761/765 from the 12th century. At the end of this manuscript text was a trimmed sheet hidden in the cover with various recipes. The...
Distilling & Drinking History Blog, Science
Is Aqua Vitae Whiskey? Unveiling the Origins of Distillation and Aqua Vitae, the ‘Water of Life’ Alchemists across diverse ages and cultures sought the philosopher’s stone, a legendary elixir believed to grant immortality and cure all ailments....
North American Distilling
The Whiskey Ring The Whiskey Ring was a political scandal in 1875. The scheme started with distilleries bribing government officials, and these officials helped distillers to avoid federal taxes. After the Civil War whiskey tax increased to 70 cents a gallon. The...