Prohibition and Beer Cans

Prohibition and Beer Cans Prohibition was lifted in 1933. Breweries that had remained in production with “near beer” during prohibition had an advatage as they could quickly get back into the production of real beer. They also benefited from existing...


Symposium Symposium originally stood for “drinking together” that took place after a meal of a banquet in ancient Greece. Poetry and music were central to the pleasures of a symposium. In Ancient Greece guests would gather around the altar of the home after the meal...

The Children’s Hour

The Children’s Hour Franklin D. Roosevelt won the hearts of booze-loving Americans and is mostly known for his promise to end nationwide Prohibition with the 21st Amendment. When Roosevelt came into office he first signed the Cullen–Harrison Act legalizing the...

Where The Spirits Come From…

Where The Spirits Come From… Tracing the Origins: “Spirits” in Alcoholic Beverages The origin of the term “spirits” for alcoholic beverages can be traced back to the Latin word “spiritus,” which encompasses the concepts of...

Beishan Jiujing

Beishan Jiujing The first winemaker of China was the legendary Du Kang who lived during the reign of the Yellow Emperor Huangdi, approx. 2600 B.C. The earliest known scientific description on rice wine production in China is the Beishan Jiujing in the North Mountain...

May Wine & May Festivals

May Wine & May Festivals The Romans celebrated the spring-flower Floralies festival in the beginning of May. Since the Middle Ages on May 1st festivals were held to welcome spring throughout Europe. For centuries, the night from April 30th to May 1st was...

Peychaud’s Bitters

Peychaud’s Bitters In the 1830s, Antoine Amédée Peychaud, a Creole pharmacist in New Orleans, invented a gentian-based bitter that turns cocktails reddish. Peychaud came from the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti), and compared to Angostura bitters,...

Heinold’s First and Last Chance Saloon

Heinold’s First and Last Chance Saloon Heinold’s First and Last Chance in Oakland, California opened in 1883. Johnny Heinold was born in Germany and bought the building located near the ferry between Oakland and Alameda for $100. He converted the small...

Maximón, the Liquor-Drinking Saint

Maximón, the Liquor-Drinking Saint Maximón or San Simón is a folk saint in the highlands of Guatemala who is said to have both positive (healing and protective) and negative (ominous and cursing) powers. Maximón is worshiped in the Maya Culture across tribes in about...


Skaldenmet The Skaldenmet (Mead of Poetry, Mead of Suttungr) is a myth from Norse mythology. It is a honey wine that if consumed enables everyone to sing beautiful and write poetry. The most complete information about Skaldenmet is found in the works of Snorri...